Transit Bipartition

Also known as “diabetes surgery”, “transit bipartition” surgery is an operation that can be applied to type 2 diabetes patients who have obesity problems. It is among the metabolic surgery operations and is usually performed by the laparoscopic method. After this operation, in which the integrity of the stomach and duodenum is preserved, there is no decrease in the absorption of vitamins and minerals necessary for the body.

What is Transit Bipartition Surgery?

Transit bipartition surgery, developed for the treatment of people with type 2 diabetes, characterized by the pancreas not secreting enough insulin or developing resistance to the secreted insulin, provides effective results. After the transit bipartition surgery, which gives a new chance to patients with type 2 diabetes and secondary health problems due to their excess weight, most patients do not even need lifelong supplementation. 

After the operation, which is completed in approximately 1.5 hours, patients can get rid of type 2 diabetes, lose their excess weight and notice the improvement in their health problems due to excess weight. Since small incisions are made in the abdomen during diabetes surgery performed with the laparoscopic method, the scar of the operation does not come to the fore as an element that disturbs the patients.

Transit Bipartition Surgery To Whom Can It Be Performed?

  • Transit bipartition, which is a metabolic surgery method developed for type 2 diabetes surgery, also allows the patients who have obesity with a body mass index higher than 30 to lose weight safely. In order to determine whether patients are suitable for transit bipartition surgery, comprehensive health examinations should be performed before the operation. In short,  we can list the eligibility criteria for transit bipartition surgery as follows
  • Body mass index of 30 and above, -Diabetes 2, -The general health condition is in danger due to overweight and diabetes, -General health status considered suitable for surgery, – Those who want to lose weight and are prepared for the post-operative process, -People who meet the psychological standards required for the operation decision are considered suitable candidates for transit bipartition surgery.
  • What are the benefits of Transit Bipartion?

Transit bipartition surgery is a safe operation as it is performed by an experienced surgeon and medical team.

During transit bipartition surgery, the stomach is reduced, but the risk of leakage is minimized as the gastric pressure is balanced.

When the stomach is reduced during transit bipartition surgery, the part that releases Ghrelin is removed, thus reducing appetite. People can feel full even when they eat less.

Duodenum is not disabled after transit bipartition surgery. In diabetes surgery, the natural way of the stomach is preserved, and endoscopy can be easily performed in the coming years when necessary.

After transit bipartition, food can pass through the entire digestive system, there is no absorption problem.

Vitamin, mineral, iron and calcium supplements are not required (usually) after transit bipartition.

After transit bipartition, type 2 diabetes improves with the loss of excess weight. Thus, patients can get rid of both their excess weight and the health problems caused by their excess weight.

What are the Disadvantagesof Transit Bipartition?

If the necessary controls are not performed on the patients before the operation, improvement in diabetes may not occur in the post-transit bipartition period.

Gastric reduction is also performed during transit bipartition and there is a risk of leakage as in sleeve gastrectomy surgeries. For this reason, the previous operations and experience of the surgeon who will perform the operation should be carefully investigated.

The risks in all other surgical operations are also valid for transit bipartition surgery.

For detailed information, you can get free information and support from our medical assistants.


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