Sleeve Gastrectomy (weight-loss surgery)

Obesity is one of the most important diseases of our time. Obesity is an insidious but SURGICAL TREATABLE disease that, like cigarettes, affects all organs and can cause both acute and chronic diseases. The most ideal and most reliable operation for obesity is the sleeve gastrectomy.

How is Sleeve Gastrectomy Operation

Obesity has become the second most common preventable disease in the world after smoking.

The gastric sleeve surgery is performed laparoscopically (closed) and under general anesthesia. It is the process of turning the stomach into a tube up to the esophagus with the help of special tools, starting at the pylorus, the end point of the stomach, about 3-6 cm. After the procedure, which takes around 45 minutes, around 75-80% of the stomach is removed. The gastric sleeve surgery helps with 3 mechanisms to lose weight.

1. Since the gastric sleeve operation completely removes the fundus part of the stomach that secretes the appetite hormone (ghrelin hormone), the patient's appetite decreases after the operation.
2. Due to the reduction of the stomach size, the feeling of fullness occurs when you eat even in less portions.
3. As the storage part in the stomach is removed, the passage of the ingested food into the small intestine is accelerated and the satiety hormone GLP is released from the small intestine at an early stage, so that you can get a feeling of fullness sooner

Sleeve Gastrectomy Surgery To Whom Can it Be Performed?

Those who gain weight for various reasons and cannot lose weight despite exercising and following a healthy diet. Sleeve gastric surgery opens doors to a new life for patients who have excess weights who have serious health problems due to their inability to lose weight. In order to have gastric sleeve surgery in Izmir, people must have tried to lose weight beforehand. Before having gastric sleeve operation, all patients’ tests and controls should be done in details before the operation to be sure about that there is no obstacle for their operation and to find out the reason behind the weight gain. the blood values ​​should first be corrected.

For gastric tube surgery, obese people must have a body mass index of 40 or higher or a body mass index between 30-39.9 and health-threatening conditions such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, sleep apnea, etc. The age limit for sleeve gastrectomy is somewhat unclear. Although it is generally recommended for patients who have excess weights aged 18-65 years, the age limit can be reduced to 13-70 in special cases. It should not be overlooked that the determination of experienced surgeons and the seriousness of people’s health are important in gastric sleeve surgery.

Advantages Of Gastric Sleeve Surgery

The most important advantage of gastric sleeve surgery is that it does not alter the natural flow of the digestive system. Since the part that releases the ghrelin hormone that makes you feel hungry is removed, hunger is suppressed for a long time and you do not want to eat much.

The gastric sleeve operation is a simpler operation and the operation time is shorter compared to other operations. Vitamin and mineral deficiencies are much less common than with other procedures, and weight loss after gastric sleeve surgery lasts for about 1-1.5 years. Patients who gain weight again after gastric sleeve surgery can easily be switched to another operation.


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